What is Wendal®?

Wendal® is an automated, machine learning due diligence platform that removes bias and allows investors to make smarter investment decisions.


Wendal’s® secret sauce is the host of proprietary assessments that allow for quantitative due diligence on startup founders and their teams. This is the first time that a solution has been tailor made to analyze the DNA of entrepreneurs and teams.


Venture Analyst Applications

Optimum Performance Inventory

Optimum Performance Inventory™

The Optimum Performance Inventory™ measures specific personality traits that will ensure a high level of business performance.


TeamPrint® is a world-class behavioral assessment tool within Wendal® built to analyze role fit and create high-performing teams.
Multi-factor Assessment of Civility

Workplace Civility

The Multi-factor Assessment of Civility© (MAC) has 5 different dimensions so you can pinpoint exactly where high and low civlility exists in the workplace.

Start quantifying teams on behaviors, not schools or number of startups founded.

Most venture capitalists hold assumptions as truths, like what college you went to or whether you’ve had a successful startup before. Wendal® allows you to start collecting rich behavioral data on founders and teams, allowing you to go much deeper than a scan of their LinkedIn profile. Wendal® has already assessed and measured outcomes of over 10,000 startups and 20,000 founders.

Faster Diligence

Eliminate the need for analysts and large overhead. Wendal® replaces the traditional analyst with a data-driven recommendation engine that will help inform the end decision-makers.

Less Bias

All Wendal® assessments are tested for fairness across race, age, and gender. Wendal® will naturally allow you to become a more inclusive and fairer venture capital fund.

Smarter Decisions

Wendal® automatically learns and updates algorithms based on actual startup data. There is nothing to do on your end, all of this happens behind the scenes.