What is a Wild Card?

A non-conforming profile, anyone with a Wild Card profile did not have any more or less identifiable traits than the average person. This result is not necessarily bad, but this person could still be trying to figure out who they are. More often than not, people of this profile tend to be young.

Wild Card


Potential Pitfalls



Decision Making

Action & Risk

Foundational Traits of a Wild Card

Leadership - Companion

You have a healthy balance between wanting to be a part of a team and taking charge. In your particular case, being a part of a team is more important to you.

Social - Cordial

You have a healthy balance between wanting some alone time and having social interaction. In your particular case, alone time is more important to you.

Reaction - Composed

You have a healthy balance between taking immediate action on all things and patiently digesting things. In your case, patiently digesting things is more important to you.

Technical - Precise

You have a healthy balance of wanting a general perspective on things and knowing the details. In your particular case, knowing the details is more important to you.

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