Revolutionize Your Talent Management with Wendal® AI-powered HR Solutions

Elevate your hiring, team-building, and talent retention with our world-class, data-driven tools, designed to transform your organization’s human capital strategy.

Empowering smart leaders with smarter talent insights.

In the dynamic world of human resources, finding the right talent and fostering the optimal team environment is more critical than ever. Wendal Talent Insights stands at the forefront of this evolution, harnessing the power of HR AI software to redefine how organizations hire, retain, and promote talent. Transforming the traditional landscape, Wendal® introduces an unparalleled approach to talent management, ensuring decisions are data-driven, unbiased, and strategically aligned with your organizational goals.

How Wendal® Embodies the
Future of HR.

Wendal® Talent Insights leverages our proprietary AI and machine learning platform, Wendal®, to offer an automated due diligence process that eliminates bias and empowers smarter, talent-based decisions.


As the complexities of recruitment and team alignment exacerbate, Wendal® emerges as a beacon of innovation, providing objective tools to conduct scalable behavioral assessments. These assessments dive deep into the core behaviors and traits of both your existing workforce and prospective hires, enabling you to sculpt the high-performing teams vital for your success.

Key Features of Wendal® Talent Insights

Fast Data Collection

With our TeamPrint® behavioral assessment, gain a comprehensive understanding of your employees’ inclinations and capacities in under 10 minutes.

Efficient Document Collection

Wendal® transforms the hiring process by identifying the essential traits for aligning employees with the ideal teams.

Advanced-Data Analysis

Our API seamlessly integrates with platforms such as PowerBi and Tableu, offering a rich data experience that informs better team-building decisions.

Fast Data Collection

By fostering better-aligned teams and reducing risk, Wendal® enables your organization to channel resources towards what truly matters, driving growth and innovation.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Workforce

Wendal® Talent Insights provides a comprehensive suite of AI-driven HR software solutions tailored to your organization’s needs. Our platform allows you to make informed decisions by uncovering your employees’ innate strengths and aligning them with the right teams and roles. Mitigate risks, reduce turnover, and create a workforce driven by synergy and innovation.

TeamPrint® Helps Build High-Performing Teams

Powered by our proprietary TeamPrint® technology, Wendal® automates behavioral assessments and role-fit analysis. The process is built upon rigorous principles in industrial-organizational psychology, providing you with actionable, evidence-based data to optimize your hiring and team-building processes. Our platform connects seamlessly to industry-leading BI tools like PowerBi and Tableau, delivering a rich, data-driven experience tailored to your requirements.

Removes Any Bias for Equitable Talent Acquisition

Wendal® removes bias and levels the playing field by focusing on core behaviors and traits rather than superficial factors. Harness the power of AI to make objective and equitable talent-based decisions, fostering a culture of diversity and unlocking the full potential of your organization. Wendal® doesn’t just upgrade your HR capabilities – it paves the way to a smarter, stronger, and more competitive business.

Discover Wendal®—Start building better teams today

Frequently Asked Questions

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

Wendal® transforms your recruitment process, allowing you to post careers and receive applications in a streamlined, integrated manner. Its proprietary technology, TeamPrint®, also offers you valuable behavioural insights that assist in pairing employees with the workplace roles that align best with their core traits.

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